The Winged Hussars is a community of Polish pilots in Elite: Dangerous, Star Citizen, and several other games. In Elite, we are organized in a Squadron tagged as TWHE. and Politically we are represented by an independent, cooperative NPC faction - please read the description of the HR 8444 system on the galaxy map.
As a faction, we have specific goals to achieve. Our activities focus on territorial expansion into systems with specific conditions and taking control over them. Our goal can be an asteroid base, a neutron star, canyon racing route, a specific orbital installation, or an Engineer base. We have developed a dedicated web application and a system of automated tasks connected to the game via API to achieve these goals. Available tasks depend on the situation in each of the over 150 controlled systems.
In addition, we often organise various events, actions, and competitions - from cargo convoys, space and planetary races, through deep space exploration expeditions, to fighting the Thargoids, researching the Guardian civilization and searching for the mythical Raxxla. There are also regular PVP events, CQC arena matches, cooperative Community Goals participation and events revolving around mining. All of these events are open to any member of our faction.
In Star Citizen, we have assembled in The Winged Hussars org - look for us on Spectrum.